1. This piece is a cover for the magazine Design in 1964. The idea was quite abstracted and simple. This issue was a special on Scothland. The logarithmic graph was used in this design. I think this is a cleaver political joke onBritain. Anthony Froshaug used blue to highlight Scothland. I like the way he made Scothland bigger than the actual size to imply that Scothland is more important than Britain.

2. This is an invitation card for the Penwith Society of Arts Exhibition Openning. The card shows Anthony Froshaug 's exploring a favorite A6 format at a time. I think this is a brilliant idea to use a woodletter 8 in this invitation card. The woodletter '8' represents "the Society's Autumn Exhibition 8"which makes the message very clear and simple. The effect from the wood adds the sense of something from nature.

3. This is a festive card for 1964/5. A digital code is used in this card which delivered a very simple message. ( 'a' is 1, 'b' is 10, 'c' is 11, 'd' is 100, 'e' is 101, and so on. The arrow is used to indicate the turn of the year)I think this it a cleaver idea. The use of two colors makes the message even more clearer. I'd never seen a new year card with only a digital code before. I like the idea of creating two lines in digital codes which the last digit of a second line is changed from 0 to 1 to imply the change of year and the way he put 0 arrow 1 to simplify the whole message again.

4. This is the invitation card for the La Terrasse. The card is quite playful with the choice of colors and the occured image. I like the way he put all information in a form of a coffee cup and a saucer which emphasizes the venue of this party, the coffee garden. I think this work simply gives you the information you need and show you the function at the same time.

5. The announcement of changing the address. (from cornwall -back to london) The red line represents the old address and the black line indicates the new one which I think it is a brilliant idea. The way the black line is used by placing on top of the red line produces 'x' mark emphasizes the cancellation of the old address is amazing.
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